How to cope with varicose veins
in summer?

Are varicose veins worse in summer?

Summer can present a lot of problems for varicose veins sufferers: The heat, the increased risk dehydration, the threat of long-distance travel and the pressure to have a body ready for the beach.

If you are travelling abroad the plane journey is likely your first source of worry. You probably know all about the dangers of remaining sedentary for too long and how that can affect your varicose veins so how are you meant to cope on a long-haul flight? First of all, make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing for the duration of the flight – no skinny jeans please!

Varicose Veins

It can be very lonely if you’re entire family is gearing up for their annual holiday and you’re feeling anything but excited.

However, there’s no reason why you can’t make the most out of your summer holiday too! Below I’ve highlighted some of my top tips to enable you to cope with your symptoms during the summer season!

How do I cope with
varicose veins
in summer?

Drink, drink, drink

Drinking plenty of water really is that important. Especially during summer, when you will naturally perspire a little bit more. It’s also possible that you may be losing valuable electrolytes through sweat too, so we’d recommend trying to replenish these vital nutrients. You could try coconut water, a lovely natural alternative to water that’s also full of electrolytes and minerals!


Consider your clothes

It’s the middle of summer and around you other people are indulging in shorts, skirts and summer dresses. You, however, may have some reservations about baring your own legs in public and this is understandable. Having varicose veins doesn’t just manifest physical symptoms – many find that their self-esteem and confidence starts to dwindle too. The unsightly, bulging blue-red veins can make you unwilling to show-off your legs and during winter this might not be a problem, but during summer it can be a real trial. I wouldn’t recommend imprisoning your legs in skin tight skinny jeans though. Tight clothing will only restrict your circulation even further and make the problem worse. Instead, why not consider a nice maxi dress or cargo shorts? These types of clothing are normally very loose and light, allowing your skin to breath whilst giving your legs some relief. They also protect your skin from sunburn.

skinny jean

Remember suncream

Sunburn on its own cannot cause varicose veins, although it can seriously damage your skin which will affect the tiny blood vessels beneath the skin’s surface, giving rise to the appearance of spider veins. However, what sunburn will do is naturally increase the temperature of your skin and dilate your blood vessels.1As we have already discussed, heat is not good news for your varicose veins, but sunburn also carries an additional risk of added inflammation. Your body will perceive that a part of your skin has been damaged and, in its haste to get blood and nutrients to the affected area, will instigate an inflammatory immune response. Not only will this enlarge your veins, it will also flood your system with inflammatory chemicals and upset your symptoms, perhaps even causing unwanted pain and discomfort. Please be kind to yourself and remember to reapply suncream regularly, making sure you have the right factor for the weather you are experiencing. If you can, try to relax in the shade at regular intervals and if you decide to go swimming, apply suncream before and after entering the pool!


Think about your diet

It can be difficult to resist temptation! But if you’re on holiday you may abandon you usual diet in favour of a more relaxed approach. Why not take advantage of all the lovely fruit that will now be in season? Strawberries, cherries, blueberries, bananas and watermelon– all of these are naturally rich in nutrients such as vitamin C or minerals like potassium. Excellent for warding off inflammation and nourishing your circulatory system! So instead of having ice cream every day, whip up a fruit salad or blitz a deliciously refreshing smoothie.


Get your blood pumping

It’s summer so why not try to make the most of the good weather by exercising outside? Just a brisk 10 minute walk each afternoon can make a real difference to your circulatory health, not to mention the other health benefits that being outdoors can bring! You could even try other forms of exercise that you may not have considered during the bleaker winter months, such as cycling! It’s a great way of exploring your surroundings and it can really help to boost your cardio and increase your overall health and fitness. Or, if cycling doesn’t excite you, why not a team sport such as tennis? Invite a friend and make an afternoon of it at your local outdoor tennis court. Or, alternatively, cool down by hitting your local swimming pool!
